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Sharing on online social networks (OSNs) has rapidly emerged as a global phenomenon. Information that users share about one another has great impacts on impression formation, but also poses risks to the privacy of both users and non-users. Particularly, information disclosed by others (other-generated disclosure) is less deceptive and more credible than self-disclosure, challenges one’s desired self-presentation as well as self-image, and can cause face threats. So far, privacy literature on OSNs has focused on self-disclosure, and little attention has been paid to other-generated disclosure. Given this growing and increasingly important phenomenon, this present study explores other generated disclosures, based on the lived experiences of adult Facebook users, to fill this gap. Using an online survey, results shows that Facebook users are likely to be exposed to other-generated disclosure not only through tags and photos but also posts and comments. Posts and comments are increasingly problematic. Not only will this study be useful for service providers in designing new features and improving privacy controls, but it alsobenefits organisations who take advantage of viral marketing and electronic word of mouth (eWOM), but in ways that seek to preserve the privacy of individuals. Furthermore, this study increases users’ privacy awareness and promotes meaningful online privacy practices to preserve not only privacy of individuals, but also privacy of engaging parties, due to the domino effect of interdependent privacy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe ORBIT Journal - An Online Journal for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT Technologies
Place of PublicationUnited Kingdom
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventCEPE/ETHICOMP Conference 2017 - University of Turin, Turin, Italy
Duration: 05 Jun 201708 Jun 2017
http://www.dmu.ac.uk/research/research-faculties-and-institutes/technology/centre-for-computing-and-social-responsibility/ethicomp/ethicomp-2017/cepeethicomp-2017.aspx (Conference website)

Publication series

NameThe ORBIT Journal - An Online Journal for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT Technologies


ConferenceCEPE/ETHICOMP Conference 2017
Abbreviated titleValues in Emerging Science and Technology
OtherThe Ethicomp series of conferences fosters an international community of scholars and technologists, including computer professionals and business professionals from industry. Since 1995, conferences have been scheduled across Europe and Asia, with our main events coming every 18 months. Ethicomp considers computer ethics conceived broadly to include philosophical, professional, and practical aspects of the field. CEPE (Computer Ethics Philosophical Enquiry), as the name implies, is more narrowly focused on the philosophical aspects of computer and information ethics. CEPE events have been held every 18 months since 1997. Since the CEPE community overlaps considerably with the Ethicomp community, it makes sense for our two conference series to work together. In light of this, our next conference will be a jointly sponsored event, hosted at the Università degli Studi di Torino (University of Turin), Turin, Italy in June of 2017.

In the two decades since the inception of Ethicomp and CEPE, computing has gone from being esoteric and newfangled to ubiquitous and everyday. The ensuing transformations of our cultural and social institutions are liable to accelerate and metastasize as information technologies find their ways into every field of research and every pursuit. Our shared mission of promoting the ethical use of computer technology consequently demands an inquiry into values as these relate broadly to emerging sciences and technologies.
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