Introduction to career development learning and sustainability goals: Considerations for research and practice

Olivia Groves, Kylie Austin, Jodi Lamanna, Sarah O’Shea

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    This introductory chapter provides an overview of career development learning (CDL) and explains why it is currently a critical field of research. CDL has become increasingly important in the Australian context to enable all Australians to make informed decisions about their future. Across different educational contexts, in both Australia and internationally, career education is provided in diverse ways. Each context has its own set of unique challenges and application of CDL, which this chapter will further explore. Drawing upon the Sustainable Development Goals and associated international literature, the importance of CDL for individuals, economies and societies will be discussed. An overview of CDL provision in Australia is provided to contextualise the content contained in each of the chapters of this book. In short, this chapter establishes the importance of CDL and need for sound methodological and theoretical research approaches underpinning the implementation of quality CDL. Consistent and rigorous implementation is particularly important to ensure that CDL initiatives reach all individuals, particularly those from diverse, or non-traditional backgrounds. Lastly, this introductory chapter provides an overview of the chapters, each of which aligns with one of two main themes: Partnerships and collaborations in CDL research; and innovative methodologies in CDL research.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCareer development learning and sustainability goals
    Subtitle of host publication Considerations for research and practice
    EditorsSarah O'Shea, Olivia Groves, Kylie Austin, Jodi Lamanna
    Place of PublicationSingapore
    Number of pages14
    ISBN (Electronic)9789811966378
    ISBN (Print)9789811966361
    Publication statusPublished - 09 Nov 2022

    Publication series

    NameSustainable Development Goals Series
    ISSN (Print)2523-3084
    ISSN (Electronic)2523-3092


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