"It's complex" - the challenges and opportunities for physiotherapists who work with chronic pain patients

S Shephard, D Kennedy, T Gardner, I Skinner (Presenter)

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of Australian physiotherapists who work with people who experience chronic pain and to outline the challenges, priorities and opportunities within a service delivery and consumer driven framework.

Design: A qualitative design using a thematic analysis.

Method: Participants were Australian physiotherapists, currently working or had worked in the previous 12 months with people who experience chronic pain. Participants were recruited via a convenience sample
from a physiotherapy pain day held in Sydney. In small groups (≤10), participants completed a guided discussion based on four prompt questions relevant to the aims of the study. The data was analysed using a reflexive thematic analysis.

Results: 66 participants, 48 (73%) females, contributed to eight groups. The analysis revealed that: (1) The complexity of pain has profound effects on all aspects of management; (2) The specific themes (n=13) that were identified are all influenced by, and influence, three interconnecting and overarching constructs of: health systems, patients and clinicians.

Conclusion: Pain is complex and so are the experiences of Australian physiotherapists who work with people who experience chronic pain. The challenges, as a result of the complexity of pain, impact not just patients but also the physiotherapists who support them.

Key Practice Points:
• The complexity of pain impacts all aspects of physiotherapy management.
• The challenges for managing people with chronic pain are complex and the solutions require an
appreciation for the complexity and interrelated nature of the constructs that contribute to pain.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventIGNITE Physiotherapy Conference 2023: Australian Physiotherapy Association - Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 04 Oct 202307 Oct 2023
https://web.archive.org/web/20240301020900/https://ignite2023.physio/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Ignite2023_Abstract_book_V5.pdf (Abstract book on Wayback Machine)


ConferenceIGNITE Physiotherapy Conference 2023
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