Job Ready Graduates Package: The difficulty in identifying ‘genuine students’

    Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    Background. The Federal Government has passed the job ready graduates package (JRGP) that will require universities to ensure only ‘genuine students’ are granted Commonwealth financial assistance from 2022. According to the JRGP, universities are to consider a number of factors in this decision, which include among others: whether students have completed assessment items and if a student studying online has logged onto the course at census date (Department of Employment, Skills and Education, 2021).
    The initiative. To investigate if non-submission of assessments can be accurately used to identify non ‘genuine students’ in the pre census period.
    Methods of evaluative data collection and analysis. Using university data from 2021, students who did not submit a pre census assessment item were retrospectively identified from 73 first year subjects across all Faculties. The eventual student grades of these students were analysed for evidence of academic success. Statistical analysis was used to determine if there was any demographic difference between groups of students judged as ‘genuine’ and ‘non genuine’.
    Evidence of outcomes and effectiveness. There were 861 domestic undergraduate students who did not submit the pre census assessment item. Of these students, 331 (39%) went on to pass the subject. There was no straight forward difference in demographic characteristics between genuine and non genuine groups. This study provides evidence that accurately predicting student success early in the session is very difficult, especially with the necessary constraints on usable data sources to avoid demographic prejudice. Although students from disadvantaged backgrounds were not unfairly selected, many students who appeared non genuine were on track for some academic success. If universities are to make highly consequential judgements on who is allowed to have a Commonwealth Supported Place, as recommended by the JRGP, there needs to be more research, planning and discussion on how exactly this should be done.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022
    EventHERDSA 2022 - Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia
    Duration: 27 Jun 202230 Jun 2022
    Conference number: 41 (Program and abstracts)


    ConferenceHERDSA 2022
    Abbreviated titleProfessional learning for changing academic practices
    OtherThe HERDSA Executive and Victorian Branch are delighted to invite you to join us at HERDSA 2022, the annual conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), to be held in Melbourne Australia, 27-30 June 2022.

    HERDSA 2022 will inspire: drawing together experience, analysis and insight in a rapidly changing environment. The disruption of the global pandemic has challenged our assumptions and prompted deep reflection and creative solutions. We are changing the way we work, learn and interact, but we are building from strength.
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