Key names and attributes in the Qur'an to identify human essence

Recep Dogan

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With the abilities and great capacity human kind has unique position in the universe and they have potential to be better than any other created beings. There is no doubt that what makes them unique and superior is that they can represent the names and attributes of God and through this capacity they are capable to understand God better than any other beings. Through examining the attributes of mankind, one may have an idea about the attributes of God. Although one's attributes are limited and dependent, God is eternal and independent. Nevertheless there is a relationship between God and his servants in terms of representing Him in the human dimension. God can see, hear, know etc. everything and in order to understand these facts, human beings compare their seeing, hearing, knowledge etc. to God and have an idea about the Eternal One based on their limited abilities. The names and attributes which are used to define God are also used for human kind to show them their value and remind them of their responsibilities. God acknowledges human kind as capable by defining them with these names. Human thought gives meaning to the names of God and also discuss whether these names are suitable to name God. When doing this, they benefit from their own experiences.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)158-166
Number of pages9
JournalUniversal Journal of Psychology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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