Knowledge management education in Australia

Keith Ferguson, Philip Hider

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter

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Knowledge Management (KM) has been with us now for over a decade. Since the publication of Marianne Broadbent's much-cited paper in Australian Library Journal (1997) it has been a hot topic in library and information services (LIS) literature and at LIS conferences, with repeated calls for the profession to engage more with KM and by anecdotal evidence that significant numbers of LIS professionals have moved into the KM domain. Occasionally one still hears or reads the comment that KM is a passing management fad (for example, see Loughridge 1999) but it is more common to come across the view that KM is very much here to stay. This was one of the conclusions of KPMG's European Knowledge Management Survey 2002/2003: 'The 2002/2003 survey shows that knowledge management is approaching a higher maturity level. The majority of respondents indicate knowledge as a strategicasset.' It is fair to say that KM is not going away in the foreseeable future. There is no shortage of KM conferences and workshops, typically charging fees that are beyond most LIS professionals; there are active KM forums in ACT, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland; KM courses are offered by no less than nine Australian universities; and in October 2005 Standards Australia went so far as to publish a KM Standard (AS 5037'2005). This paper surveys the formal KM courses currently offered in Australia.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEducation for library and information services
Subtitle of host publicationa festschrift to celebrate thirty years of library education at Charles Sturt University
Place of PublicationWagga Wagga
PublisherCentre for Information Studies
Number of pages18
ISBN (Print)1876938374
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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