Leadership in crisis: Beyond command and control

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only


A/Prof Val Ingham delivered the keynote


ConferenceInternational Conference on Transcending the Frontiers of Management Science and Technology (ICTF-2021)
CityBhimtal Campus
OtherBusiness organizations in the current era are experiencing speedy revolution strengthened by technical novelty, varying demographics, changing consumer patterns, upsurge of the new data economy – all against the background of a continuous and expanding economic integration and the growing need to cultivate an ethical mindset. In the expression of such an augmented devolution, there is a necessity to evaluate management philosophies and agendas from a multidisciplinary perspective while nurturing ethics in people, place, and partnerships. It is vital that business management scholarship evolves at an identical pace to support the ethos of economy and environment in the face of unparalleled opportunities as well as disruption.

With this context in mind, School of Management, Graphic Era Hill University (Bhimtal Campus) in collaboration with Globethics.net, Geneva has set an objective to readdress the emergent issues in management science and technology conjointly and coherently in the form of International Conference on Transcending the Frontiers of Management Science and Technology (ICTF-2021). This conference addresses widespread issues, which capture contemporary advances in management science, and technology to encourage synergies from diverse ideas, concepts, and collaborations among stakeholders.
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