Let them speak! Enabling assessments for student success

Amita Krautloher, Pranit Anand, Liz Goode, James Valentine

    Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    Assessments play a very important role in student learning and act as an important motivator for learning (Boud, 2007; Murphy, 2017). Negative experiences with assessments can sometimes be detrimental for students’ aspirations and confidence to continue with their studies (Bearman et al., 2017). This is particularly so for commencing students as well as enabling and pathway students, who may enter these programs with low self-efficacy (Lisciandro et al., 2018; Krautloher, 2021). Unfortunately, many mainstream higher education assessments tend not to accommodate the unique needs of this cohort due to legacy practices and inflexible approaches. While there are many examples of enabling assessments from across the enabling and pathways programs in Australia, this presentation will showcase an alternative assessment approach to an invigilated examination for pathway students. Interactive Oral Assessment (IOA) (Sotiriadou et al., 2019) is an authentic assessment approach where students can demonstrate their knowledge verbally. It is a genuine and unscripted conversation between an assessor/s and the student/s around an authentic workplace scenario (Sotiriadou et al., 2019) and provides an alternative to written examinations. Although this assessment approach can be used as a formative or summative assessment, for the purposes of this presentation the focus is on examinations as it creates the highest amount of stress (Hasanbasic et al., 2019; Kumari & Jain, 2014) for pathway students. High anxiety and psychological distress has in turn been linked with poorer academic outcomes (Nieuwoudt, 2021). This assessment approach is proven to improve student outcomes and engagement, and boost their confidence (Sotiriadou et al., 2019) a crucial outcome as students’ progress into their chosen degree program, the ultimate goal of a pathway program.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 05 Dec 2022
    Event5th Biennial National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia Conference 2022 - University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
    Duration: 05 Dec 202206 Dec 2022
    https://web.archive.org/web/20221127030128/https://naeeaconference.com.au/ (Conference website on Wayback Machine)
    https://web.archive.org/web/20230224175709/https://naeeaconference.com.au/docs/NAEEAFinalProgram.pdf (Program on Wayback Machine)
    https://www.ncsehe.edu.au/event/reimagining-enabling-in-higher-education/ (Call for abstracts)


    Conference5th Biennial National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia Conference 2022
    Abbreviated titleReimagining Enabling in Higher Education
    OtherThe 5th biennial National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia (NAEEA) conference hosted by the University of South Australia (UniSA), will be held at the City West campus in the exciting west end of Adelaide. The 2022 conference will be held in person and provide an opportunity to meet, network, share and explore the future of Enabling Education in Higher Education.
    Internet address


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