LIS professionals and knowledge management: some recent perspectives

Maryam Sarrafzadeh, Bill Martin, Afsaneh Hazeri

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28 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose ' To identify the general perspectives of library and information science professionals on knowledge management and examine their assessments of its potential values, benefits, opportunities and threats to the profession. Design/methodology/approach ' An international survey was conducted using a web-based questionnaire. The questionnaire targeted LIS professionals around the world, through the use of the IFLA-L, KMDG-L mailing lists. Findings ' The survey found an increased awareness among LIS professionals of their potential contribution to knowledge management, with a high agreement on its positive implications for both individuals and the profession. Research limitations/implications ' Although the survey was distributed through international mailing lists, it succeeded mainly in obtaining responses from Australia and New Zealand, the USA, the UK, South Africa and Canada. Thus, the findings may have limitations in their generalizability. Originality/value ' Knowledge management is a field with which the LIS community is already familiar. Despite its wide impact on many aspects of the profession, the wider ramifications of the relationship between the two as yet remain unclear. The paper attempts to contribute to further understanding of these ramifications.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)621-635
Number of pages15
JournalLibrary Management
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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