"Listen up": Understanding the multidimensionality of listening in a dialogic classroom

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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A problem in pedagogy is that listening and speaking, as intricately interconnected interactional phenomena, are often treated separately. In classroom discussions, attention is predominately drawn to vocalisation as the key element of dialogue. This paper aims to draw attention to intricacies and multidimensionality of listening in classroom discussions and consider how these multiple dimensions align with a dialogic ideology. Drawing on practitioner action research conducted in elementary classrooms where teachers deliberately sought to promote dialogic pedagogy, we examine transcripts to further understand how listening is connected to recipiency, meaning-making and co-produced in interaction. Conversation analysis delineates five turn-structures constitutive of listening actively. We argue that teacher knowledge of these realms of listening will assist teachers recognise ‘active” listening among students.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2018 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Researchers Association
PublisherAmerican Educational Research Association (AERA)
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventAmerican Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2018 - New York Hilton Midtown (registration), New York, United States
Duration: 13 Apr 201817 Apr 2018


ConferenceAmerican Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2018
Abbreviated titleThe dreams, possibilities, and necessity of public education
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityNew York
Internet address


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