Local knowledge in Bangladesh: from coping to adaptation

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


Due to its geographical location, Bangladesh is predictably subject to regular flooding. Recent evidence indicates a change in flood frequency and
the severity of flood events. We conducted field trips to Bangladesh in 2010 and 2015, and utilised in-depth interviews with participants from
regularly flooded villages. In this context, we argue that it is useful to consider strategies to cope with a given flooding event separately from
strategies to adapt to flooding in general and that, in the absence of organised and adequately resourced adaptation programs, coping strategies,
reliant on local knowledge, will increase. In discussing coping and adaption strategies we focus on three elements common to each: governance,
social networks, and income diversification. In particular, we are interested in how the nature of each element differed between scenarios of coping
or adaptation and in demonstrating how local knowledge, essential for coping with a crisis, can also be employed to aid efforts of adaptation to
repeated crisis.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventThirteenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 2018 - Univeristy of Granada, Granada, Spain
Duration: 25 Jul 201827 Jul 2018


ConferenceThirteenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 2018
Abbreviated titleAutonomy in Times of Turmoil: What to Make of the Social?
OtherWe are living in times that are deeply contradictory. On the one hand, global social phenomena are impacting our local lives. On the other, there is push away from global solutions in the form of various localisms. At times, these may be considered a reactive withdrawal; at other times, a quest for autonomy. But do these movements, reactive or constructive, also represent a retreat from the common issues we face? How do we understand the nature of individual and collective autonomy in our current times? What are we to make of the social today, both as lived reality and speculative imaginary?
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