'Love's Plunder': Desire, Performance and Craft in Kate Llewellyn's Poetry

David Gilbey

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter


    This is the first comprehensive selection of Kate Llewellyn's poetic output, from the 1970s to pieces appearing in 2008. Some 60 poems include her most famous ('Trader Kate and the Elephants', 'Breasts', 'The Bed') and track her course from frank assessments of affairs to travel, gardening, grandchildren, and art ' from punchy free verse to meditative ghazals.The poetry is accompanied by three critical appreciations from poet- scholar David Gilbey (Charles Sturt University), feminist scholar Susan Sheridan (Flinders University) and postcolonial literary scholar Anne Collett (University of Wollongong). The book is edited with an introduction by Paul Sharrad (University of Wollongong), well known for his work in postcolonial literary studies, including Australian writing.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationKate Llewellyn
    Subtitle of host publicationPoets & Perspectives
    EditorsKate Llewellyn
    Place of PublicationWollongong
    PublisherUni of Wollongong Press
    Number of pages1
    ISBN (Print)9781920831523
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


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