
This cross-sectional study was conducted in a central statistical subdivision (i.e. Tangail district) in Bangladesh. Asample of 240 homeless children was collected from 12 different locations in the study area during the period from November2014 to July 2015 by using a structured questionnaire and the simple random sampling method. The anthropometricmeasurements and background data were collected from these children. Analyses reveal that male children are significantly highin homelessness situation (85%). Nearly two-third of the homeless children were malnourished including about 60.42% wereunderweight and 6.25% were overweight conditions. Findings also demonstrate that about 63.75% children were able to managetheir foods three times in a day and the rest 36.25% were able to manage twice or once meal in a day. Most of the study children(80%) regularly washed their hand before taking a meal and 57.5% taken bath in a daily basis, and about 61.5% of them havebeen suffered by diseases within the last 3 months prior to conducting the study. Moreover, about 38.33% children were inworkforce while 61.67% were purely work abstainers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10-15
Number of pages6
JournalScience Journal of Public Health
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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