Measuring information security readiness in a distributed cloud environment

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


In a highly competitive business environment, analytics is essential in gaining an advantage. Customers who are mainly retirees yearning to maximise their income after retirement select self-managed super fund (SMSF) administrators who can provide a good return on investment for a nominal cost. With the advent of cloud computing, organisational overheads are reduced, with lower administrative costs, lower staff requirements and cloud bound applications which are easier to deploy. Cloud computing offers pay-as-you-go costs and other features such as simplicity and expandability. The cloud is an ideal platform for complicated calculations, scientific simulations and complex business analytics, which may need large amounts of computational resources such as processing speeds and storage capacity. Education, training and awareness is the bottom line in preventing an organisation from suffering information security catastrophes caused by human factors. This presentation offers a way of reducing organisational risks and threats to an acceptable level. This research investigates how to measure the effectiveness of information security education, training and awareness programs in an organisation. The research also aims to develop metrics to assess the information security readiness of an organisation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event5th International Conference on Cybercrime and Computer Forensics: ICCCF 2017 - Sofitel Gold Coast Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 16 Jul 201718 Jul 2017


Conference5th International Conference on Cybercrime and Computer Forensics
CityGold Coast
Internet address


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