Men's behaviour change programmes: Addressing power, privilege and oppression in intimate partner violence

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


This chapter explores the nature of men’s power and privilege in relationships. It focuses on the way in which power and privilege is addressed in men’s behaviour change programmes (MBCPs). MBCPs seek to prevent violence against women, and therefore the oppression of women. The chapter argues that to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) Australia’s MBCPs need to engage with and address patriarchal power and privilege. Male privilege and power are significant elements in IPV. We use a scoping literature review to explore what works and what doesn’t in these men’s behaviour change programmes globally to establish the efficacy of the programmes for prevention of IPV and restore safety to women and their children. Further, we summarise and analyse research evidence across a broad area of literature with the aim to increase understandings of the most recent conclusions in the field. We go a step further and explore the gender, social, economic and political systems that sustain IPV but may not be addressed by the MBCPs. We make some recommendations about how programmes could improve outcomes through evaluation of where men begin to understand their power and privilege, and where men could change from oppressor to partner in addressing IPV.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGender, Feminist and Queer Studies
Subtitle of host publicationPower, privilege and inequality in a time of neoliberal coservatism
EditorsDonna Bridges, Clifford Lewis, Elizabeth Wulff, Chelsea Litchfield, Larissa Bamberry
Place of PublicationAbingdon, Oxon
Number of pages13
ISBN (Electronic)9781003316954
ISBN (Print)9781032328294
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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