
Intensive-data-driven research is empowering theoretical breakthroughs and high-tech innovations, enabling new methodologies in academic discovery, and offering new sustainable means to solve significant societal and economic challenges and understand the world. Data science is a very fast growing research domain which embedded the combination of computational (i.e. computer-intensive) and inferential (i.e. statistics-oriented) thinking, with the notion of Microdata to Big Data. Since the core theories in computer science and statistical science were developed separately, there is an oil and water problem to be surmounted in data science. For an example, the basic statistical theory does not have a place for runtime and other computational resources while core computer science theory does not have a place for statistical risk and inferential resources. As well, the most appealing challenge in Microdata is the simulation of detailed population characteristics, while in Big Data is the potential of personalised attributes. In this seminar, I will address some major computational and inferential challenges in data science with special focus to combining data, computation, and inferences – that is not only computing statistics or running machine learning algorithms, but also there must be a focus on reliability measures including standard errors and confidence intervals on any outputs. Hence the Bayesian thinking as a combination of cognitive science, computer-based computational flexibility and statistics could be the sacred methodology in data science for advanced level modelling. This talk will also illustrate some real world case studies from data science.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering: Confluence-2017 - Amity University, Noida, India
Duration: 12 Jan 201713 Jan 2017
Conference number: 7
http://www.amity.edu/aset/confluence2017/ (Conference website)
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=7935984 (Conference proceedings)


Conference7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering
Abbreviated titleCloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering
OtherWelcome to Confluence-2017: 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering The pace of change has become blisteringly fast. There is technology in everything and everywhere. Every now and then a new technology pops up in the market. Computer Science and Information Technology have a profound influence on all branches of science, engineering, management as well. This event is dedicated to technical symposia, tutorial and workshop sessions. Technical symposia include oral or poster presentation of research papers grouped into parallel tracks. Workshops, tutorials, Keynote talks from experts, panel discussions are also included in the program schedule of the conference. THEME : Confluence-2017 - Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering
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