Middle leadership research: Using understandings of practice to build theory

Jess Harris, Kylie Lipscombe, Sarah Gurr, Sharon Tindall-Ford

    Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


    School improvement is most effective when developed and led at the school level, drawing on existing teaching and learning expertise in a school. Middle leaders (MLs) (e.g. Assistant Principals and Heads of Department) are acknowledged experts in teaching and learning, who collaborate closely with classroom teachers and school executives (Harris & Jones, 2017) and have been identified both in research and practice as having the potential to positively influence classroom teaching and learning for school improvement (Lipscombe, Tindall-Ford & Lamanna, 2021). This presentation reports on the findings of our thematic analysis of participants’ learning reflections. At the end of each program term, participants were asked to reflect on their learning within the program and for improvement in their practice. These learning reflections have been examined, using thematic analysis, to examine how middle leading practices have been impacted by participants’ engagement in the MLDP. These learning reflections offer insights into the challenges of middle leaders, and how the theory and tools provided through the MLDP program have supported participants in navigating these challenges, while fostering and maintaining strong and supportive relationships with the teams they lead. Our analysis highlights key challenges faced by MLs in their school and how their participation in MLDP has supported them in building knowledge, relationships and reflective practice. In discussing these findings, this paper illustrates how professional development activities can provide new insights for research on middle leading practice.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 11 Jul 2024
    EventAustralian Teacher Education Association Conference 2024 - Newcastle University City campus, Newcastle, Australia
    Duration: 10 Jul 202312 Jul 2024


    ConferenceAustralian Teacher Education Association Conference 2024
    Abbreviated titleMyth Busting: Confronting Debates & Creative Design In & For Initial Teacher Education
    Internet address


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