Modelling reticulorumen temperature change from drinking events using Richmann's Law

Md Shaheenur Rahman, Peter C. Thomson, Anna Chlingaryan, Mohammed Rafiq Islam, Angela M. Lees, Cameron E.F. Clark

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


A rapid decline and exponential recovery in rumen temperature occur due to drinking, with differences in such behaviour between animals potentially impacting the rumen ecosystem. Previous research has highlighted diverse temperature drops in the reticulorumen following drinking events. To evaluate these drops from the thermodynamic perspective, we compiled a reticulorumen temperature drop dataset from previously published studies in dairy cattle and applied Richmann's law of mixing fluids. Our outcomes revealed a proportionality between the changes in ingested water temperature from the baseline reticulorumen temperature of 39°C and the resulting shift in reticulorumen temperature for a given volume of water. Further, the specific heat capacity of rumen content was determined to be 3595.6 ± 177.3 (SE) J/(kg.K) using a nonlinear model to estimate the temperature drop in the reticulorumen from the actual drop of the compiled dataset. The estimated drops from the model were compared to actual reticulorumen temperature drops reported in studies, showing a strong correlation (R2 = 0.93) over a range of documented temperature drops from 0.4°C to 12.8°C. Currently, we are incorporating another principle of thermodynamics (Newton's law of cooling) to add a model of temperature recovery to provide an overall reticulorumen temperature model for water consumption. This thermodynamic model will then be employed to determine the potential impact of (the differences in) water intake behaviour on the rumen ecosystem.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication11th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming
Subtitle of host publicationECPLF 2024
EditorsDaniel Berckmans, Patrizia Tassinari, Daniele Torreggiani
PublisherEuropean Conference on Precision Livestock Farming
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)9798331303549
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Event11th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming - Palazzo della Cultura e dei Congressi, Bologna, Italy
Duration: 09 Sept 202412 Sept 2024 (Conference website) (Program)

Publication series

Name11th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming


Conference11th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming
Abbreviated titlePLF-Welfare-Sustainability nexus
OtherSince 2003, the ECPLF conference is the flagship event which brings together scientists, professionals, companies, farmers, policy makers and associations interested in the Precision Livestock Farming world.

It’s the place to be for staying in touch with the entire PLF community and to discover state of the art research and groundbreaking innovation experiences.
The multidisciplinary approaches and cross-sectoral contributions are the ideal platform for sharing research results, being inspired by international experiences, seeing industrial innovations and networking, to unlock the potential of PLF for food safety, environment and society.
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