Modernising the trade and border system: Disruptive technologies

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review

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The WCO and its member administrations have access to an absolute wealth of data – much of which is heavily underutilised. We’ve been working with the WCO for quite some time on what they describe as the digital transformation of Customs. And in the September 2019 edition of the World Customs Journal we included a section dedicated to research focused on the need to better utilise the huge amount of information that’s available to customs administrations in order to inform strategic and operational decision-making. The general conclusion from that exercise was that, even though many of the more advanced administrations have deployed techniques based on data analytics, none have embraced the wide range of possibilities offered by data and data science.
The WCO and WTO recently released a joint publication on Disruptive Technologies which explores new and emerging technologies that are reshaping the way in which trade and trade regulation is carried out.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Dec 2022
EventDepartment of Home Affairs Industry Summit 2022: 2022 Home Affairs Portfolio Industry Summit - International Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 16 Nov 202216 Nov 2022


ConferenceDepartment of Home Affairs Industry Summit 2022
OtherOn 16 November 2022, the Home Affairs Portfolio Industry Summit brought together more than 500 delegates from government, industry, academia, diplomatic corps and the broader community to discuss issues and challenges related to the work of the Portfolio. This was the first in-person Summit since 2019.

The 2022 Summit theme was National Resilience, and the one-day program focused on discussing priorities for Australia’s recovery from the impacts of COVID and a number of significant natural disasters. The continued dialogue between the Portfolio and stakeholders is now more important than ever with a focus on supporting trade, cyber and critical infrastructure, border management, migration and the national emergency response.
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