Multifractal analysis of proprioception and postural stability: A pilot study

Luke Donnan, Nemanja Rajkovic, Lainey Heale, Nebojsa Milosevic, Herbert F. Jelinek

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


Background. Postural analysis has traditionally been assessed using linear methods such as standard deviation to track movement variability, however, postural adjustment during dynamic movement is a function of nonlinear interactions of multiple systems including sensorimotor and vestibular systems that require nonlinear analysis. Kinesiology tape is promoted as a means of improving physical performance by enhancing proprioception rather than providing support to joints such as the ankle and knee. In order to investigate whether kinesiology tape effects postural control, participants were assessed performing a dynamic balance task under two taping conditions, whereby center of mass data was analysed using multifractal analysis methodology in a repeated measures design. To gauge the potential influence of different neurophysiological or mechanical adaptations to the adhesion of tape to skin, as opposed to the properties of a specific type of tape, the influence of rigid tape was also assessed.
Materials and Methods. Four individuals, free of injury, performed the Y Balance Test without tape, and with rigid tape (RT) and kinesiology tape (KT) applied at the quadriceps, triceps surae and ankle. The two tapes were applied to the lower limb during separate testing sessions. All participants completed the Y Balance Test. Using the Y Balance test as a surrogate measure of whether proprioception influences postural control, multifractal dimension analysis was used to quantify the dynamic changes in the center of mass whilst undertaking the Y Balance Test. Statistical analysis included the Kruskal Wallis test to allow for non-normally distributed data and a Bonferroni corrected pairwise T test as a post hoc test to ascertain pairwise differences between the three conditions.
Results. The multifractal analysis of the dynamic changes in center of mass showed a typical multifractal spectrum with D(q) values suggesting differences between the control and both taping conditions.
Conclusion. Postural sway during the YBT confirmed that complex sensorimotor feedback is required as characterized by the multifractal spectra with or without tape. Both kinesiology tape and rigid tape showed improvement in postural stability during the YBT, which may be associated with improved proprioception.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationArithmetic methods in mathematical physics and biology, August 05-11,2018
Place of PublicationWarszawa
PublisherBanach Center Publications
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Event2018 Arithmetic Methods in Mathematical Physics and Biology Conference - Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Bedlewo, Poland
Duration: 05 Aug 201811 Aug 2018 (conference program) (conference website) (Conference abstracts) (Online proceedings. No CSU access.)


Conference2018 Arithmetic Methods in Mathematical Physics and Biology Conference
OtherThe conference arrival day is August 5, 2018 and the departure day is August 11, 2018. The conference starts with the registration of participants on Sunday, August 5th at the registration desk. The conference ends on Saturday, August 11th. The lectures start on Monday, August 6th and end on Friday August 10th. The first conference was in 2014.
The conference aims to present recent applications of: Algebraic Number Theory, Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry, Fractal Geometry, Nonlinear Dynamic Systems, Cellular Automata, Graph Theory and Cryptography to Mathematical Physics and Biophysics, Nonlinear Biology, and Complexity in Biology and Physics and to foster research and cooperation between scientists representing various areas of natural sciences based on the applications of both arithmetic and algebraic methods.
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