'My drinking team has a hockey problem': The culture of alcohol consumption of Masters and Veterans women athletes

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event12th Biennial ANZALS Conference: ANZALS 2015 - University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 09 Dec 201511 Dec 2015
http://anzals.org.au/conferences/past-conferences (Conference website)
http://anzals.org.au/conferences/past-conferences (Link to conference website)


Conference12th Biennial ANZALS Conference
Abbreviated titleLeisure as a Human Right
OtherThe right to access and participate in leisure is enshrined in a number of international conventions and declarations beginning with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) – Articles 24 & 27. While there has been global consensus that access to leisure is a human right, there still remain a number of challenges and issues that individuals, communities and nations face in relation to fulfilling this right.
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