Narratives of infants' encounters with curriculum: The benediction as invitation to participate

Sandra Cheeseman, Jennifer Sumsion

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Images of children as strong and capable rights-holders have nestled comfortably into the vernacular of early childhood education and care discourses. Promoting a view of children as entitled to contribute to decisions that affect them, these images are now framing themes of many curricular guides and learning frameworks. The inclusion of infants in these curricular guides suggests that they too are entitled to have a say in their learning, and yet little is understood about how we might get to the heart of what an infant thinks, intends and experiences. This article explores possibilities for visual narratives to enable a closer proximity to infants' perspectives in relation to their learning. Drawing on Levinas's ideas about ethical encounter and benediction, the authors seek ways to make visible the thinking, theorising and intent of one infant as she reveals her interests in learning.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)275-288
Number of pages14
JournalContemporary Issues in Early Childhood
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2016


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