Numerical analysis of the forward roll coating of a Rabinowitsch fluid

Zahid M, M. Zafar, M. A. Rana, Muhammad Rana, M. S. Lodhi

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This paper analyses an isothermal roll coating for a Rabinowitsch fluid. Equations of motion are simplified using lubrication approximation theory. Analytical solutions of velocity, flow rate and pressure-gradient are calculated. Outcomes of coating thickness, pressure distribution, split position, stresses, forces, the power input to the roller and the temperature rise between the coating rollers and substrate are obtained. The effects of some involved parameters are displayed through graphs and tables. It is noted that the Rabinowitsch parameter is a controlling quantity for coating thickness, flow rate, separation point, separation force, pressure distribution, and power input. Moreover, an exponential and monotonic change in the above-mentioned engineering parameters is a function of the Rabinowitsch fluid parameter.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Plastic Film and Sheeting
Issue number2
Early online date05 Nov 2019
Publication statusPublished - 01 Apr 2020


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