Nursing and climate change: an emerging connection

William Adlong, Jennie Dietsch

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Awareness of the importance of climate change to public health has been growing.Calls for health professionals, including nurses, to take action to prepare for, and mitigate,climate change have been coming from a number of credible sources. This paper will assistnurses to recognise the health consequences of climate change, to generate and disseminateknowledge about these health consequences, to be active in mitigating emissions locally andwithin their organisations and to advocate and have input into policy processes. It is valuable fornurses to understand the health co-benefits of emission mitigation and the current health costsof fossil fuels. As advocates for evidence-based public health initiatives, nurses have a role toplay in communicating to the public and to policy makers accurate information, including aboutthe health costs of fossil fuel policies and the affordability of renewable energy technologies
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-24
Number of pages6
Issue number1
Early online date2013
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2015


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