Obstructive urolithiasis and hydronephrosis in a pet rabbit

Anastasia Komnenou, E. S. Danika, A.-L. Thomas, Panayiotis Loukopoulos, Michael N. Patsikas

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


A case of obstructive urolithiasis with multiple calculi and unilateral hydronephrosis is presented. A 2.5 year old, intact male rabbit, weighing 1.5kg, was admitted due to a sudden onset of hind legs lameness. On clinical examination tachypnea and depression were noted and an abdominal hard (2x2cm) mass was palpated. Radiography and ultrasonography revealed uroliths in both kidneys and the left ureter, with dilatation of the latter cranially to the calculus. CBC revealed neutrophilia, lymphopenia, thrombocytosis and mild anemia. Biochemistry showed increased globulins, urea nitrogen, creatinine, glucose, bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase, as well as hypocalcaemia, hyperkalaemia and hypophosphataemia.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event12th Panhellenic Veterinary Congress - Hilton Hotel, Athens, Greece
Duration: 05 Apr 201208 Apr 2012
https://web.archive.org/web/20130827130708/http://www.eke2012.gr/index.php (Webpage saved to Wayback Machine - Aug 2012)


Conference12th Panhellenic Veterinary Congress
Internet address


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