Of heroes and mothers: Locating gender in ideological narratives of Salafi-Jihadist and extreme right propaganda

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This article analyses how and why gender is used in ideological narratives of Salafi-jihadist and extreme right propaganda. It argues that five overarching gendered narratives are leveraged to increase the appeal and resonance of overarching ideological narratives: constructions of a corrupt gender order linked to crisis; constructions of a historically traditional gender order reinstituted by the in-group; portrayals of ‘good’ men and women contributing to solutions and ‘bad’ men and women warranting punishment; constructions of local gendered crises that justify violent action from the in-group; and the juxtaposition of masculinities and femininities to shame or empower audiences into action.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages27
JournalStudies in Conflict and Terrorism
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - Feb 2024


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