On-Line Learning in VET: Myths and realities

Roslin Brennan Kemmis

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Teachers working in an online environment are very, very busy: answering student emails at bizarre hours, responding to postings on bulletin boards orforums, engaging in chat room activities, providing input to Online course design, contacting the Help.Desk for technical advice, tolerating the frustrations of computer and system upgrades and dreading recreation leave and the tidal wave of electronic communications that seem to procreate in their absence. They are also sometimes overwhelmed by the demands of the technology itself and by the feeling of having to contend with apparently unrelenting change. Their sense of responsibility for the effective learning of their students is not always satisfied and the time to consider where and why this disaffection pops up in conversations and thoughts, has shrunk, if it is available at all. The pace of change, the new skills to be learnt and the volatility of the medium themselves seem to militate against reflection, evaluation and discussion. (Holzl & Khurana 2000; Zorfass et al. 1998; Mitchell and Bluer 2000; Cashion & Palmieri 2003) Space and time do not seem big enough to permit, let alone encourage and support, both the ways of making sense of the new demands and the process of stepping back to measure the effectiveness ofthe new practices.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)16-30
    Number of pages15
    JournalAustralian Vocational Education Review
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


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