Optimising client mental and physical wellbeing: Exploring the juncture of psychology and complementary therapies

Sue Crebbin, Cynthia Hickman, Erica McIntyre, Jemma Moses, Caroline Raphael

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Introduction: There are often negative reports in the media about the use of complementary therapies (CT). Despite these reports, up to two-thirds of Australians consume/use a range of CTs (products and services). In addition, there is a high CT practitioner population who see themselves as an holistic healthcare model that promotes long-term wellbeing. Moreover, there is a growing number of psychologists with recognised qualifications in multiple disciplines, including CTs, which raises some pragmatic and ethical questions.
Methods: This presentation is an narrative review of the use of CT as it relates to psychological practice. It examines the CT evidence-base for two commonly treated psychological conditions: anxiety and depression.
Results: Consideration is given as to whether there are client benefits arising from utilising a multidisciplinary treatment approach in psychological practice; and, based on APS Codes of Ethics, assessment of the potential ethical issues arising for registered psychologists is considered.
Conclusions: Findings from reputable scientific investigations into CT for psychological conditions exist, and many registered psychologists utilise CT in some way. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding multidisciplinary approaches, that could optimise client outcomes and benefits, that could be investigated.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2013
EventASBHM/CHP 2017 Conference - Crowne Plaza, Surfers Paradise, Australia
Duration: 13 Jul 201715 Sept 2017


ConferenceASBHM/CHP 2017 Conference
Abbreviated titleHealth and Health Behaviour Change: From Research to Practice and Back
CitySurfers Paradise
Internet address


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