Optimization of UD-LDP with statistical prior knowledge

Gnanakumar Thedchanamoorthy, Michael Bewong, Meisam Mohammady, Tanveer Zia, Md Zahidul Islam

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


In the realm of privacy preservation for the crowd-sourced data collection, Local Differential Privacy (LDP) has emerged as a standard for protecting user data. With the existing literature primarily focused on predefined privacy levels for all users, User Driven Local Differential Privacy (UD-LDP) provides a mechanism that allows users to choose the privacy level that best suits them. However, UD-LDP does not account for heterogeneity in Individual Privacy Needs (IPN) distribution, leading to a one-size-fits-all model that may not optimize data utility. This paper evaluates the shortfall in not accommodating diverse IPN distribution within the UD-LDP framework and proposes a method that recommends optimal number of cohorts and their sizes, that is, the Optimal Cohort Configurations (OCC) for different IPN distributions. The findings suggest OCCs for various privacy distribution types, marking a significant step towards a more personalized and efficient privacy-preserving model.

Publication series

Name2024 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2024
ISSN (Print)2836-5348
ISSN (Electronic)2766-8576


Conference7th International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things 2024
OtherIt is our great pleasure to present the PerCom 2024 workshops program. PerCom workshops augment
the main conference by offering a forum for presenting research on hot and emerging topics from a
broad field of pervasive computing and communication topics. They offer valuable room for early
discussion of novel approaches with a high degree of interactivity and various presentation formats,
including research paper presentations, panel discussions, and inspiring keynote speeches. Through
these presentations and discussions with peer researchers, PerCom workshops help to shape future
research and identify promising research directions. This year, the workshop program includes an
impressive number of 15 workshops. This program demonstrates both continuities, by featuring wellestablished workshops, and evolution into new research directions with workshops joining PerCom for
the first time. These 15 workshops cover a wide range of topics from the perspective of pervasive
computing and communication, including blockchain, artificial intelligence, context and activity
modeling, emotion awareness, human-centered computational sensing, telemedicine, IoT real-world
deployments, and security, just to name a few.
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