Overthrowing the tyranny of the page: the future of indexes in ebooks

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Indexes are evolving to fit the eBook format – and they are moving beyond the page. Book indexes have traditionally used page numbers, but in eBooks, indexes can be hyperlinked to other places in the text, such as the paragraph, line or word. Readers’ understanding of how these indexes work will affect their ability to find information in an eBook; however, there is a lack of research on the behaviour of index users that could guide the development of e-book indexes. I am filling that gap by creating prototypes of e-book indexes and using qualitative methods of data collection and analysis to investigate how readers respond to them. My research is conducted in the Digital Library Usability Lab at Charles Sturt University using eye tracking equipment and retrospective think-aloud. It is guided by Brenda Dervin’s sensemaking approach to information seeking. In this presentation, I will talk about not only my own research but about why indexes are important in eBooks and what they might look like in the future.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10 May 2019
Event9th IPEd national editors conference - Pullman Melbourne on the Park, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 08 May 201910 May 2019
Conference number: 9th


Conference9th IPEd national editors conference
Abbreviated titleBeyond the page
Internet address


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