Palaeo podcasting: A practice-led extended-mixed methods case study

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Podcasting has become a widespread method of science communication. This paper describes a practice-led, extended-mixed methods study that aimed to examine the possibilities for podcasting in the field of palaeontology. The method combines (1) the production of a two-year podcast series by the author with (2) interviews with other ‘palaeo podcasters’ and (3) a study of 24 palaeontological podcasts. Each method contributes insights into how this form of science communication, specifically within the field of palaeontology, might be usefully developed. Drawing on data from all three approaches, the paper demonstrates the practical considerations, audience engagement strategies and use of discipline expertise required to develop and sustain this form of science communication.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-21
Number of pages21
JournalMedia International Australia
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 23 Jul 2024


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