Participatory community singing program to enhance quality of life and social and emotional well-being in aboriginal and torres strait islander australians with chronic diseases

Jing Sun, Nicholas Buys

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Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a 12-month community singing program on quality of life (QoL) using survey methods. Methods: We prospectively collected data on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic diseases involved in a participatory community singing program. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a chronic disease and an average age of 51 years (range, 18 - 85 years) self-selected to participate in the singing group (n = 45), which included a weekly singing rehearsal and a monthly performance. There were 27 people in the control group. We compared the intervention and control groups by evaluating the QoL, social and emotional well-being, health behaviors, social isolation, and loneliness at a baseline and at 12 months. Results: At 12 months, those who participated in the singing program showed a significant increase in QoL, reduced stress, and a significant reduction in social isolation and loneliness compared with patients in the control group. Conclusions: The community singing program may enhance social and emotional well-being and QoL in Ab original and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic diseases, and the singing program is a viable health promotion intervention program for this population.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)317-323
Number of pages7
JournalInternational Journal on Disability and Human Development
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2013


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