Performance analysis of mixed polling schemes with multiple classes of self-similar traffic input to build comprehensive SLAs

Mohsin Iftikhar, Muhammad Imran, Ghazi Al-Naymat, Mohammad Abdullah Alnuem, Hassan Mathkour

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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Solitary polling technique is not a better choice to get rid of multiple queuing problems for getting enhanced performance against single server. Enhanced and reliable performance upon multi queued traffic can be achieved through the utilization of right selection of joint polling schemes. The complexity of polling design is directly proportional to its performance. Exhaustive polling scheme is outperformed by limited service polling policy but under average load of traffic both contain same mean transfer delay. Several polling methods are the part of literature but the question of their optimal utilization in joint manners against multiple queue buffers is still open. In this paper, we build a complete analytical framework for mixed exhaustive and limited service polling model based on G/M/1 queuing system. We build the Markov chain and extract the closed form expressions of packet delay for multiple classes of self-similar traffic. We further experimentally implement four queues model with different arrangements of mixed polling schemes to conclude the most optimal joint polling model for modern 4G wireless network through analyzing the co-relation between delay and Hurst parameter
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2013)
Place of PublicationUnited States
PublisherIEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Number of pages7
ISBN (Electronic)9781479905409
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event2013 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks: LCN Workshops 2013 - Citigate Central, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 21 Oct 201324 Oct 2013 (Conference website) (Conference proceedings)


Conference2013 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
OtherThe IEEE LCN conference is the premier conference on theoretical and practical aspects of computer networking. LCN is highly interactive, enabling an effective interchange of results and ideas among researchers, users, and product developers. Major developments from high-speed networks to the global Internet to specialized sensor networks have been reported at past LCNs.
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