Place-specific policy development in non-metropolitan cultural and creative industries

Tracey Callinan

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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The cultural and creative industries (CCI) sector is recognised for its growth, economic contribution and innovation. While regarded as a sector that thrives in cities, creative practice in non-metropolitan settings has been disregarded and marginalised. As regional and rural centres have endeavoured to put in place strategies to support CCI, the use of policies intended for city-based growth have been applied inappropriately. Furthermore, the aim to produce economic outcomes has obscured the cultural and social value that the creative sector can offer both urban and regional locations.
This research study sought to identify the ways in which policy has operated in the sector and then to discover how the prevailing themes of CCI policy could be adapted to produce strategic action plans that respond to the specific conditions of a place. A detailed literature review of policy documents identified themes covering all the existing approaches to supporting CCI development. This led to the creation of a new scaffold (the Action in Cultural and Creative Industries Strategic Scaffold [ACCISS]) which provides policymakers with a full palette of strategic action options that may be suitable for CCI support. This scaffold system has been explored with creative practitioners and people working with policy in local regional settings. A case study of the New South Wales Central West region has provided insights about the lived experience of regional creative practitioners and the way their practice intersects with the 20 themes of the strategic action scaffold.
Creative practice is active within the geographical area studied, but the relevance of policy interventions to regional creative practitioners varies. The findings of this research study show that greater policy knowledge can be applied to support approaches to CCI development that are specific to place and consider the “triple bottom line” of producing economic, cultural and social impacts through regional creative practice.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Charles Sturt University
  • Gates-Stuart, Eleanor, Principal Supervisor
Award date21 Sept 2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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