
It is widely acknowledged that substantial spatial differences in socioeconomic well-being exist across Australia, like many other countries. Housing policies such as housing costs, rent assistance, mortgage subsidies, land development planning for housing etc have significant impacts on individuals living standards, experiences, choices, constraints, decisions and lifestyle preferences. As well, housing acts as a proxy for a host of other factors relevant to economic disadvantage and social inequalities at small area levels. Thus, reliable small area housing statistics are essential for knowledgeable decision making on various socioeconomic and housing debates, in both public and private sectors. However, it is not very easy to produce them. Traditionally, direct estimation requires the domain-specific sufficiently large sample and in reality domain-specific housing data are not large enough for all small areas to provide adequate statistical precision of their estimates. This makes it necessary to 'borrow strength' from data on related multiple characteristics and/or auxiliary variables from other neighboring areas through appropriate models, leading to indirect estimates. Two approaches - the statistical and geographic approaches have been developed for indirect estimation. The first methods are based on explicit area and unit level models that have been studied through a range of statistical tools and techniques, including (empirical-) best linear unbiased prediction (E-BLUP), empirical Bayes (EB) and hierarchical Bayes (HB). In contrast, the spatial microsimulation based geographic approaches can operate through different reweighting techniques such as GREGWT and combinatorial optimization. This presentation will provide a critical account of those approaches in a view of small area housing estimation.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2008
EventAHURI Postgraduate Symposium - Rydges Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 15 Jun 200817 Jun 2008


ConferenceAHURI Postgraduate Symposium
Internet address


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