Political Intelligence

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter in textbook/reference bookpeer-review


Broadly, political intelligence is the process of gathering information from closed and open sources about a political organisation's capabilities, threats or policy platforms. Political organisations include recognized legitimate governments and political parties, opposition movements, minor political parties, as well activist or Issue Motivated Groups (IMG). Gathering political intelligence has been a significant part of the repertoire of government based intelligence agencies and law enforcement personnel. In the 21st century, there has been an increase of interest from the private sector wanting to access to political intelligence. The motivations for the private sector to seek political intelligence are diverse but are often based on reducing risk or ensuring security of assets and information. Essentially, the business sector is seeking to minimize risks when considering new investments. Companies want to be assured about the stability of government where they will invest their capital or want to know what government or opposition parties will do in terms of policy, legislation and regulative activities. From a security perspective the business sector wants to protect assets from competitors or IMGs.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIntelligence and private investigation
Subtitle of host publicationdeveloping sophisticated methods for conducting inquiries
Place of PublicationSpringfield IL
PublisherCharles C. Thomas Publisher Ltd
Number of pages13
ISBN (Print)9780398088880
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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