Post- pruning and reworking management for reducing trunk disease infection and spread

    Research output: Non-textual outputs, including Creative WorksWeb publication/site


    Eutypa dieback and Botryosphaeria dieback are caused by several species of fungi belonging to the Diatrypaceae and Botryosphaeriaceae families and are considered important grapevine trunk diseases worldwide. These fungi produce spores that are primarily dispersed by rain splash and wind, and they infect susceptible pruning wounds, leading to cankers, dieback and eventually death of vines. These two diseases are considered serious threats to the sustainability of the Australian vineyards. This presentation will address outcomes of research investigating the epidemiology of these trunk diseases, along with pruning wound protection and remedial surgery options to manage Eutypa and Botryosphaeria dieback in Australian vineyards.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherThe Australian Wine Research Institute
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


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