Potential behavioural indicators of affective state in stabled horses

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Current research into equine welfare has demonstrated the need for reliable objective behavioural indicators of affective state, however, has yielded mixed results regarding behaviours suited for industry use and are open to subjectivity. Ten horses of varying breed,sex, age and exercise intensity were filmed using CCTV footage on either a day or night-stabling schedule over three consecutive days, with behavioural observations divided into blocks for time sampling of behaviours and collated in MS EXCEL using a pre-constructed ethogram.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2021
EventInternational Society for Equitation Science Online Conference 2021: Advancing Equestrian Practice to improve equine quality of life - Online
Duration: 20 Oct 202121 Oct 2021


ConferenceInternational Society for Equitation Science Online Conference 2021
Abbreviated titleAdvancing equestrian practice
Internet address


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