Practice: Foregrounding the study of teaching in initial teacher education

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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    This chapter argues that recent and well-founded developments in practice theory, and attention to professional practice as a research area (Kemmis & Smith, 2008; Grossman et al., 2008; Grossman et al., 2009; Green, 2009), might usefully resource a focus on the study of teaching as a core practice of initial teacher education. I want to make careful distinctions between some of the key concepts discussed in current theories of practice, and problematise taken-for-granted understandings of practice in our everyday talk and writing. The chapter considers the basic ideas needed for an orientation of assessment towards future needs and it discusses the development of a particular form of teacher education practice – Study of Teaching – a co-curricular program involving pre-service teachers working alongside members of the profession, more experienced students, and teacher education academics. The program is designed to provide space and opportunity for university-based pre-service teachers to develop the core practices they will need as beginners in the workplace practice setting of a school or early childhood service. This chapter reflects on the conceptual basis of this approach and identifies key points of focus in creating such an environment for developing practice.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSuccessful teacher education
    Subtitle of host publicationPartnerships, reflective practice and the place of technology
    EditorsMellita Jones, Josephine Ryan
    Place of PublicationRotterdam
    PublisherSense Publishers
    Number of pages15
    ISBN (Electronic)9789462096776
    ISBN (Print)9789462096752, 9789462096759
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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