Pre-MRI patient experience on Instagram

Johnathan Hewis, Hayley Homewood

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


Introduction: Distress and anxiety are commonly reported during the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) experience¹ with prior studies² ³ suggesting the pre-MRI period is a time of heightened distress. There is a paucity of literature exploring preprocedural distress and anxiety, in particular qualitative research analysing patient experience³. Instagram is rapidly becoming an important social media platform though which to conduct health research. A gradually increasing number of studies have examined social media to gain insight into patient experience within medical radiation science (MRS)³. This study is considered as the first to explore patient experience of MRI using Instagram as a data source.

Methods: This study investigated the patient experience during the pre-MRI period by performing a content analysis⁴ on open-source Instagram posts⁵. Ethical approval for the study was sought and approved by Charles Sturt University, Human Research Ethics Committee⁶.

Results: Six themes emerged from the extracted data; Journey to the MRI, Waiting, Anticipating the MRI procedure, Preparing for the MRI procedure, Negative interaction, and Fear of the results.

Conclusion: The findings of this study provide novel self-reported and unsolicited insight into the diverse, multifactorial, and often concomitant nature of pre-procedural MRI anxiety and distress. Implications for practice: This study adds to a growing body of literature advocating for a compassionate, holistic, and person-centered approach when caring for patients in MRI that also considers their emotional and psychological wellbeing.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2023
EventASMIRT Mid North Coast Imaging and Therapy Conference 2023 - Opal Cove Resort , Coffs Harbour, Australia
Duration: 30 Sept 202330 Sept 2023


ConferenceASMIRT Mid North Coast Imaging and Therapy Conference 2023
Abbreviated titleNurturing Regional Innovation
CityCoffs Harbour
Internet address


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