Preliminary Image Evaluation (PIE) – “See something, say something”

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only


As an APHRA registered diagnostic radiographer, if we identify something urgent or unexpected in a medical image, we are required to take appropriate and timely action to ensure the immediate management of the patient/client. This is reflected in Domain 1.7 of the MRPBA professional capabilities. During this interactive session we will explore preliminary image evaluation (PIE) and communication of urgent and unexpected findings using anonymised planar radiography cases as an exemplar.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 27 Aug 2022
EventASMIRT WA Masterclass - The University Club of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Duration: 27 Aug 202227 Aug 2022


ConferenceASMIRT WA Masterclass
Abbreviated titleA recipe for success
OtherOur team has been busy concoting an event for medical radiation practitioners (MRPs) that’s not to be missed in Perth. Learn new skills, network with your peers and update your knowledge from professionals in this field from across Australia in this exclusive Masterclass event – a recipe for success.
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