Professional identity development: Implications for sustainable assessment

Emma Scholz, Franziska Trede

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020
EventCentre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning Deakin Online Conference 2020 - Online
Duration: 19 Oct 202020 Oct 2020 (Conference website)


ConferenceCentre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning Deakin Online Conference 2020
Abbreviated titleUniversity Assessment, Learning and Teaching: New Research Directions for a Postdigital World
OtherTo mark our fifth anniversary, CRADLE hosted an online higher education research conference from 19–20 October 2020. The conference theme was ‘University Assessment, Learning and Teaching: New Research Directions for a Postdigital World’. Two international researchers presented keynotes at the conference:

Associate Professor Alyssa Wise, New York University: The data-intensive university in a postdigital world: New directions in teaching and learning.
Professor Monika Nerland, University of Oslo: Reconfiguring relations between higher education and work: Knowledge practices and learning in the (post)digital era.
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