Program 1 overview: Investing in high performance soils

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only


This was an oral presentation made to the whole conference, without Powerpoint slides. the contents included makeup of Program 1, with seven Universities, many grower groups and some Third Party participants. Then raised key points:
We are seeking practice change by supporting grower groups and shaping markets to support farmers and their environments.
1. Understanding Australian farmers: the ability to pass on a healthier environment to future generations
2. Consumer, Financial and property market activation for soils
3. Farm level economic risk and economics
4. New ways of co-creating and sharing knowledge
5. Building farmer group capacity
6. PhDs supporting this
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2023
EventSoil CRC Participants Conference 2023 - Grand Chancellor Hotel, Launceston, Australia
Duration: 29 Aug 202331 Aug 2023


ConferenceSoil CRC Participants Conference 2023
OtherThe Soil CRC Participants Conference is a great opportunity for members of the Soil CRC and the public (days 2 and 3) to find out more about their research.
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