Prospects for a combined GLAM curriculum

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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The content of museum and art curatorial studies courses offered by Australian universities was mapped against the 32 domain-specific “foundation knowledge, skills and attributes” (KSAs) required by ALIA, ASA and RIMPA. Most of the KSAs were covered by at least one course, though only about half were touched on by a majority. Few curriculum elements could not be mapped onto a KSA. The mapping and the literature suggest a fair degree of subject alignment between LIS and museum studies, but also clear differences of emphasis. Contextual differences affecting interpretation and application need further investigation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationVALA 2018 Proceedings
PublisherVALA - Libraries / Technology and the Future
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2018
EventVALA2018 - Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne , Australia
Duration: 13 Feb 201815 Feb 2018 (conference website) (conference proceedings) (conference program)


Abbreviated titleLibraries, techonology and the future
OtherSince 1981 the the VALA Biennial Conference has grown into the largest fully peer-reviewed library technology conference in Australia. Held every two years in Melbourne, it is recognised as the premier library and information technology conference within this region. The conference attracts delegates and suppliers from across Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and beyond.
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