Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurse Practice and Capability Framework 2023

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The Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurse Practice and
Capability Framework has been developed in collaboration
with PCSNs from around Australia. The domain names,
capability statements and performance criteria reflect the
responses collected from PCSNs during the consultative
Delphi process. Results also demonstrated the strong need to include survivorship in the framework, hence the concept
of survivorship is threaded throughout the PCSN Practice
and Capability Framework. The guiding principles of the
Framework closely reference the Nursing and Midwifery Board
of Australia (NMBA) Registered Nurse Standards for Practice14
together with the updated EdCan Framework2 The scope of
practice of PCSNs is referred to earlier in this document, and
each capability statement and performance criteria is linked to
the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice13. This ensures
compliance with Australian regulation.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSydney, NSW
PublisherUniversity of Technology Sydney
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-6458438-1-1
ISBN (Print)978-0-6458438-0-4
Publication statusPublished - 30 May 2023


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