Psychosocial outcomes for older adults participating in sport and physical activity

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperEntry for encyclopedia/dictionary


The participation of older adults (aged fifty years and over) in sport and physical activity has mental and social health and wellbeing outcomes for individuals. Therefore, the psychosocial (i.e., mental and social wellbeing) outcomes of sport and physical activity participation are important contributors to the overall health of older adults. Older adults in the developed world participate in individual or team sports, such as running, swimming, cycling, tennis, football, basketball, baseball, or hockey for competitive, social, and recreational reasons. Many older adults engage in walking, strength or flexibility training, dancing, biking, aerobic fitness exercise classes, and various other types of physical activity. Despite the ubiquitous promotion of participation in sport and physical activity across the lifespan in contemporary Western society, many complex and interacting individual, social, economic, political, and cultural factors affect whether an individual has the access, ability, or desire to regularly participate in sport and exercise. Nevertheless, research has established that sport and physical activity participation is associated with psychological and social health benefits and costs for adults, such as improved mental health and well-being, increased life satisfaction and social belonging, and reduced depression and anxiety, fear of ageing, negative social interactions, and distress. Psychosocial benefits for adults involved in regular sport and physical activity differ according to age, gender, type of activity, and engagement patterns. More research on this topic is required to further understand the relationship between older adults’ psychosocial wellbeing and sport and physical activity participation across different cultures and countries.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRoutledge resources online - Sports studies
EditorsVassil Girginov, Yuhei Inoue
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024


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