Public theology and public policy

Thomas Frame

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There is much debate about the character and remit of 'public theology' asa sub-discipline of theology. The public theology seminar held in 2008 at St Mark's National Theological Centre revealed the many divergent shadesof opinion. Reading the special edition of St Mark's Review (Edition 203)that contained the papers, one sees evidence that one's own philosophical/political/ideological outlook and the contours of one's Christian convictions,particularly one's vision of the Kingdom of God ' of what it consists, howit is proclaimed and when it is drawn nearer ' are crucial to the shape andsubstance of public theology.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)33-39
Number of pages7
JournalSt. Mark's Review: A journal of Christian thought and opinion
Issue number214
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2010


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