Radio frequency energy harvesting and management for wireless sensor networks

Adamu Murtala Zungeru, Li-Minn Ang, S Prabaharan, Kah Phooi Seng

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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    Radio Frequency (RF) Energy Harvesting holds a promising future for generatinga small amount of electrical power to drive partial circuits in wirelessly communicatingelectronics devices. Reducing power consumption has become a major challenge in wirelesssensor networks. As a vital factor affecting system cost and lifetime, energy consumption inwireless sensor networks is an emerging and active research area. This chapter presents apractical approach for RF Energy harvesting and management of the harvested and available energy for wireless sensor networks using the Improved Energy Efficient Ant Based Routing Algorithm (IEEABR) as our proposed algorithm. The chapter looks at measurement of the RF power density, calculation of the received power, storage of the harvested power, and management of the power in wireless sensor networks. The routing uses IEEABR technique for energy management. Practical and real-time implementations of the RF Energy using Powercast™ harvesters and simulations using the energy model of our Libelium Waspmote to verify the approach were performed. The chapter concludes with performance analysis of the harvested energy, comparison of IEEABR and other traditional energy management techniques, while also looking at open research areas of energy. harvesting and management for wireless sensor networks.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGreen mobile devices and networks
    Subtitle of host publicationEnergy optimization and scavenging techniques
    EditorsHrishikesh Venkataraman, Gabriel-Miro Muntean
    Place of PublicationBoca Raton, FL
    PublisherCRC Press
    Number of pages27
    ISBN (Electronic)9781439859902
    ISBN (Print)9781466559165, 9781439859896
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


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