Random sampling is a mathematical necessity beyond debate or opinion for valid statistical inferences

    Research output: Other contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review

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    This poster aims at reminding researchers of the unignorable fundamental concern of random sampling issue in statistical inferences. Random sampling refers to the process of clearly defining a target population and then a probabilistic sample(s) can be literally taken from the population. More specifically, a target population is the collection of all sampling units relevant to some well-defined research questions and, by some objective chance mechanism, each sampling unit has the equal or known probability to be selected into a sample which is referred to as ‘a random sample’. Therefore, each sample unit can be weighted by the inverse of the selection probability to get unbiased estimates of the parameters that fully define the population. Statistical inferences aim at making justifiable conclusions about a population based on sample data. The random sampling thus becomes a matter of mathematical necessity rather than a matter of debate or opinion for any valid statistical inferential analysis. However, it is a matter of fact that practical and/or ethical factors make it literally impossible in most instances to obtain random samples for real life research. This unavoidable fundamental flaw alone invalidates the generalizability of research findings beyond the sample data on the ground of statistical inferences. Sadly, most textbook authors unduly dismiss (or simply ignore) the concerns of random sampling issue with statistical fables (e.g., ‘your sample of observations can be imagined to come and may be regarded as a random sample’); hence most statistical analysis practices simply assume that the random sampling flaw in statistical inferences is negligible.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Dec 2023
    EventAustralian Statistical Conference and Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics 2023: ASC and ACOTS 2023 - University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia
    Duration: 10 Dec 202315 Dec 2023


    ConferenceAustralian Statistical Conference and Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics 2023
    Abbreviated titleStatisticians in society
    OtherThe local organising committee warmly invites you to the 2023 Australian Statistical Conference (ASC) and Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics (OZCOTS), which will take place in Wollongong from the 10th to the 15th of December 2023. Please save the date!

    The theme for the 2023 Australian Statistical Conference (ASC) is ‘Statisticians in society’, focussing on the key role statisticians play in communication across diverse areas that are key to our society.

    ASC 2023 will bring together statisticians from across Australia, as an opportunity to communicate with one another, and advance our collective knowledge of statistical methods and applications. We look forward to offering a diverse program featuring speakers from academia, government and industry across a range of disciplines and career stages. There are plans to offer some parts of the conference in a hybrid format as well. Information on Keynote Speakers and the Conference program will be available at a later date so please watch this space for updates.

    The conference will be held at the University of Wollongong, situated in the heart of Wollongong. Wollongong is the third-largest city in New South Wales and only an hour from Sydney. It offers an escape-worthy collection of world-class beaches, playful adventures, eats, arts and iconic attractions.

    ASC and OZCOTS 2023 promises to be a truly amazing experience on both a professional and a social level.
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