Reflecting on the Importance of Critical Literature Reviews in the Masters of Speech Pathology

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


A Masters by Coursework (AQEF level 9) requires students to have specialised knowledge and skills for research. Assessment of a critical literature review is a common assessment procedure for meeting this requirement. Students in the Master of Speech Pathology complete a critical literature review in the 2nd year subject SPH516. This presentation is a scholarly reflection on the changes to SPH516 over the last 4 years. The reflection outlines: (1) how course content has been gradually modified to support students' understanding of the critical literature review process: (2) how content has been fine-tuned to create opportunities for publication of high-quality student submissions, (3) how students and lecturer modify high quality assessment submission to co-create publications based on application of authorship guidelines, and (4) how students' attitudes to research have changed as a result of completing SPH516. In sharing this scholarly reflection, the author hopes others leading similar subjects will be inspired to create research publication and higher degree research opportunities with their students.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 19 Nov 2021
EventCSU EdX 2021 - Online
Duration: 17 Nov 202119 Nov 2021 (Day planner) (Charles Sturt EdX 2021 home) (YouTube link to sessions (Days 1-3 on right hand side))


ConferenceCSU EdX 2021
Internet address


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